Doctors in Carlingford: Lejeune Family Medical Practice
50 Murray Farm Road, Carlingford, NSW 2118 Tel: 02 8197 9627
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Our Mission Is to Provide a Professional & Honest Approach to Health Care
The Lejeune Family Medical Practice represents a return to more traditional family medicine where there is a great emphasis on ‘continuity of care’, with myself, Dr. John James, and my colleagues offering thorough supervision of all your health needs.
The Practice is named after Dr. Jerome Lejeune, an outstanding doctor and geneticist who was renowned for his care of his patients, especially children with disabilities. He died several years ago and is buried in Paris.
We have a team of dedicated practitioners who work together with our nursing and administrative staff to deliver the highest level of service.
Our Services
Below are some of our most common services.

General Care

Antenatal Care

Pediatric Care

Minor Surgery